Geraldine is Pretty Muddy

2014 June 25

Created by Christine Simmonds 9 years ago
On Saturday 21st June 2014, Geraldine along with a 'team' of colleges from Larkrise Acadamy School in Dunstable (the boy's school) joined in the Cancer Research event 'Pretty Muddy'. I went to watch with Simon, Ewan and Liam. It was a lovely day hot and sunny. The purpose of the event was to run, walk or jog around a course that had obstacles along the way to go through, go under or climb over. Some of the obstacles they had to crawl through muddy water! Geraldine did really well and George, you would have been in hysterics watching them crawl through tubes, climb over the cargo net and come down a hugh pink slide into muddy water. There was one obstacle that they had to crawl in muddy water, under ropes and as they were going along there were two people either side of the obstacle with big 'paddles' throwing muddy water over them as they crawled along - just to make sure they got even more muddy! It was a fun event, an enjoyable couple of hours which raised money to try and beat this terrible disease, cancer. Geraldine thoroughly enjoyed it - good fun- and upsetting at the same time because as always, we think of you, and the question always arises, why you? Why you?? Needless to say Geraldine seriously ached on Monday which I would imagine will take a few days for her muscles to get back to normal. As always, George, we all love and miss you so much. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx