Your (71st) Birthday Celebration 2016

2016 May 15

Created by Christine Simmonds 8 years ago
I cannot believe that a year has gone by since we were out celebrating your birthday last year.  I am so cross with myself that I have forgotten to get someone to take a photo of it to put on the gallery to mark the ocassion. 

We didn't go back to The Birch as the owner there had made a nuisance of himself with regards to Adam - he kept coming and interrupting the meal and asking Adam about different things.  This year we went to Thompson in St Albans.   The chef/owner there is Phil, he is the chef that was at Auberge, in Weathampsted, where we went to celebrate our Ruby Wedding Anniversary, which was a lovely day with the family, good food and the weather was warm and sunny, so much so that we sat outside for our meal.  Today, as we sat and made a toast to you to wish you happy birthday, we reminissed about the time at the garden centre where you fell back in the garden chair (and cut your hand-but we were all laughing so much that we didn't notice) and just before that, you picking up the shower head that looked like a telephone asking 'is dat you?' (because there were 'statues' nearby), then the time Paul had gone out and you didn't know and various football 'ocassions'.  All of it done with love in our hearts for you and how we miss you so much.  We all had a good time in your memory.  Phil did come out to talk to Adam but that was too be expected - he actually said that it was an honour to have Adam there! After that he left us alone to enjoy our time together and then didn't bother us until we had all finished eating etc.  so it was good - I'm sure you would have enjoyed it. This celebration is for the 18th May - when it will be your actual birthday.

Love you lots and lots as always - and as always miss you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx